Community Data Platform Designed for Gaming Communities

Increase Player LTV and Community Engagement Through Data-Driven Decisions

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Product & operations teams waste

hundreds of hours...

  • 20 hours aggregating and triaging bug reports
  • 20 hours aggregating and understanding feedback
  • 100 hours analyzing chat, reviews, and social media posts
  • 5 hours writing patch notes

Community Analytics

Gain understanding across bug reports, feedback and community generated content to extrapolate actionable insights that directly impact player LTV, engagement and prioritization of development efforts.

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AI-Guided Bug Reporting Workflow

Say goodbye to spreadsheets, complex forms, incomplete reports and copying and pasting. Leverage the power of AI to streamline and centralize your bug reporting workflows.

AI-Guided Feedback Workflow

Understand the “why” behind community suggestions effortlessly. Eliminate back-and-forth communication. Harness the power of AI to streamline and centralize your feedback workflows.

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Direct Project Management Integration

Understand the “why” behind community suggestions effortlessly. Eliminate back-and-forth communication. Harness the power of AI to streamline and centralize your feedback workflows.

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