We offer plans to match your goals. Add features as you grow, or get all the tools you need at once
Centralize your bug reporting workflow and engage your community - all in one place
Bug reporting workflow within Discord
Bug reporting web app
Project management integrations
Bug reporting analytics dashboard
Auto-generated patch notes (early access)
Customer success onboarding and support (1hrs / month)
Centralize your feedback workflow and gain deeper insights behind user feedback
Feedback workflow within Discord
Project management integrations
Feedback web app
Auto-generated patch notes (early access)
Customer success onboarding and support (1hrs / month)
Understand your community to react and listen
Discord server analytics
Daily reports of patterns and trends from community conversations across social
Search any key topics to understand deeper insights
Bug report and feedback correlation to prioritize roadmap development
Customer success onboarding and support (1hrs / month)
Bundle and volume discounts for data-led publishers and studios
Everything in Bug Reports, Feedback and Community Analytics in one powerful suite
Volume and bundle discounts
Dedicated CSM